Monday, May 13, 2013

Street Art


I want to tell you today about my biggest inspiration for design. From time to time I'm walking on the street and I'm taking pictures of street art and Graffiti. Some people will say that they are the same but it's not true.
There is a difference between Graffiti to Street Art.

The differences are:

1. Street Art is constructive, Graffiti Tagging is destructive.

2. Street Art adorns the urban landscape, Graffiti Tagging scars it and accelerates urban decay.

3. Street Art stretches your mind, Graffiti Tagging is a slap in your face.

4. Street Art is about the audience, Graffiti Tagging is about the tagger.

5. Street Art says "Have you thought about this?", Graffiti Tagging says "I tag, therefore I exist"

6. Street Art was done with a smile, Graffiti Tagging was done with a scowl.

7. Street Art takes skill, Graffiti Tagging takes balls.

The term Street art can include traditional graffiti artwork, sculpture, stencil graffiti, sticker art, wheat-pasting and street poster art, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, and street installations.

Artists have challenged art by situating it in non-art contexts. ‘Street’ artists do not aspire to change the definition of an artwork, but rather to question the existing environment with its own language. They attempt to have their work communicate with everyday people about socially relevant themes in ways that are informed by aesthetic values without being imprisoned by them.

Some people consider street art a crime; others consider it a form of art. It is a borderline issue.

Many street artists have earned international attention for their work and have shown their works in museums or galleries as well as on the street. It is also not uncommon for street artists to achieve commercial success doing graphics for other companies or starting their own merchandising lines. Other street artists have transitioned away from street art to traditional gallery and museum exhibitions.

One of the artist that i follow after his work in the streets of Tel Aviv known by the name Know Hope. 
His works are emotional mechanism. He takes situations from every day life and shows them with characters that has very emotional expression.  

Know Hope works

Zero Cent work

and mork street art works...

Design your world.