Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Vatican museum

Hi everyone,

I didn't wre for a long time, this is the life of a Graphic designer busy... busy... busy...
I want to tell you about my last experience that took place in last October.
I visited one of the most artistic countries... Italy! I loved it so much..every moment that you turn your head you see art. For a person that loves art so much i tried to capture moments that will be an inspiration for me.
One of those moments was the Vatican museum. I was so exited to see how this place is going to look like.
Because i am Jewish i found myself not understanding what the stories in the paintings are all about, but still i could take inspiration from the technique and from the color pallets.

The Fresco technique is one of the most famous technique that represent artist as Raphael and Michelangelo.
Fresco is a technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid lime plaster. Water is used as the vehicle for the pigmentand, with the setting of the plaster, the painting becomes an integral part of the wall. The word fresco (Italian: affresco) is derived from the Italian Adjectivefresco meaning "fresh". Fresco may thus be contrasted with secco mural painting techniques, on plasters of lime, earth, or gypsum, or applied to supplement painting in fresco.

The most special room in all the Vatican was the Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel. The bright colors with the realistic art gives the room a feeling of holiness.
The Sistine Chapel ceiling was painted between 1508 and 1512. The ceiling is a flattened barrel vault supported on twelve triangular pendentives that rise from between the windows of the chapel. The commission, as envisaged by Pope Julius II, was to adorn the pendentives with figures of the twelve apostles.
Michelangelo, who was reluctant to take the job, persuaded the Pope to give him a free hand the composition. The resultant scheme of decoration awed his contemporaries and has inspired other artists ever since. The scheme is of nine panels illustrating episodes from the Book of Genesis, set in an architectonic frame. On the pendentives, Michelangelo replaced the proposed Apostles with Prophets and Sibyls who heralded the coming of the Messiah.

I think that the Vatican museum is one of the most interesting art and history museums. It is an adventure through time. I recommend everybody that is getting to Rome to visit this amazing place.

I hope you enjoy today's post

Don't forget to Design your world
Shir :)

Some more pictures from our trip...


Sunday, September 8, 2013

The art of the bright colors

Hi everyone

I didn't write for a long time but today i have something special to talk about.

I saw an exhibition of an artist called Sigal Melinger. I have to say that i enjoyed it very much.

Sigal uses graphic design as art. She creates graphic paintings in the computer with graphic softwares such as Illustrator and Photoshop and after she printes them out on a canvas, she uses arclic paint to make peices in the drawing more visable.

The bright colors and the interesting color pallete gives the whole space a new look.

One of the exhobition that can get graphic designers really inspired.
This is a whole new thinking of combination of colors makes you think that you can use every color pallete, you just need to know how to make it astetic.

Sigal Melinger website:

Gallery adress: Ben Gurion st. Kfar Saba, Israel.

Design your world,

Shir :)  

Friday, August 9, 2013

The art of the break

I want to tell you about a special exhibition that i have been into.
The exhibition called The Art Of The Break. This amazing exhibition includes some 40 Lego sculptures by New Yorker Nathan Sawaya, an artist who uses Lego because he enjoys “seeing people’s reactions to artwork created from something with which they are familiar”.

The exhibition has some amazing sculptures, including PM Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, with some of the exhibits made up of between 15-25,000 Lego bricks!

One of the most amazing things i ever saw was a sculpture of dinosaor mad of 80,000 pices of lego.

If you are in Tel aviv this summer you sould go and see it, it's a really nice exhibition for the whole family.

I enjoyed to see how many things you can build from the breaks of Lego. I enjoyed to see how many textures you can make from the basic colors of the Lego breaks.

The basic pallete of colors reminds me a piece of art of Piet Mondrian and the style movment, from them i got most of my insperations for my designs.

I hope you all can get inspired too.

Design your world

Saturday, June 15, 2013

SHAREmyDesign shop

Hello everyone,

I decided to open a new store called "SHAREmyDesign".

The store create as a project called "SHAREmyDesign". 
"SHAREmyDesign" is a way of bringing my design to your home. All my designs created from a series of three posters that the common denominator between them is color. 
In my shop I'm selling series of trio posters that will change your space. All my posters created by me in graphical software as Photoshop and Illustrator and the photos were taken by me.

All you need to do after buying a series of posters is framing the posters and hang the series on the wall. I'm sure it will change your space completely.

You can see my designs in my shop:

There are two sizes for the posters:
1. 18 X 24cm / 7 X 9 1/2" - this is a size of a frame without *Pasparto.
2. 12X17cm / 4 3/4 X 6 3/4" - this is a size for frames with *Pasparto.

All posters were printed on a 300gr. chromo paper.
The posters do not include framing.

Help me SHAREmyDesign.

Thank you

** Pasparto is used to create internal frame depth for an image framed or for protection
from adhering the poster to the glass. Pasparto is intended solely for photographs of paintings and posters framed in a frame with glass.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Street Art


I want to tell you today about my biggest inspiration for design. From time to time I'm walking on the street and I'm taking pictures of street art and Graffiti. Some people will say that they are the same but it's not true.
There is a difference between Graffiti to Street Art.

The differences are:

1. Street Art is constructive, Graffiti Tagging is destructive.

2. Street Art adorns the urban landscape, Graffiti Tagging scars it and accelerates urban decay.

3. Street Art stretches your mind, Graffiti Tagging is a slap in your face.

4. Street Art is about the audience, Graffiti Tagging is about the tagger.

5. Street Art says "Have you thought about this?", Graffiti Tagging says "I tag, therefore I exist"

6. Street Art was done with a smile, Graffiti Tagging was done with a scowl.

7. Street Art takes skill, Graffiti Tagging takes balls.

The term Street art can include traditional graffiti artwork, sculpture, stencil graffiti, sticker art, wheat-pasting and street poster art, video projection, art intervention, guerrilla art, and street installations.

Artists have challenged art by situating it in non-art contexts. ‘Street’ artists do not aspire to change the definition of an artwork, but rather to question the existing environment with its own language. They attempt to have their work communicate with everyday people about socially relevant themes in ways that are informed by aesthetic values without being imprisoned by them.

Some people consider street art a crime; others consider it a form of art. It is a borderline issue.

Many street artists have earned international attention for their work and have shown their works in museums or galleries as well as on the street. It is also not uncommon for street artists to achieve commercial success doing graphics for other companies or starting their own merchandising lines. Other street artists have transitioned away from street art to traditional gallery and museum exhibitions.

One of the artist that i follow after his work in the streets of Tel Aviv known by the name Know Hope. 
His works are emotional mechanism. He takes situations from every day life and shows them with characters that has very emotional expression.  

Know Hope works

Zero Cent work

and mork street art works...

Design your world.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Common Roots - Design Map of Central Europe


I want to tell you today how you can get inspired from exhibitions.
The design museum in Holon, Israel has brought a very interesting exhibition of industrial design in Central Europe.

"The identity of Central European design is as complex and ambiguous as the identity of the region itself.
Over the past century, this part of the world has experienced the rise and fall of radically different political orders, while its borders have been repeatedly redrawn.

In this historical context, design cannot be examined in terms of national categories, but must rather be studied in relation to the identities of individual designers, and to the experiences and cultural affiliations that characterize this region as a whole.

As this exhibition reveals, the individual stories of the participating designers are shaped by remarkable similarities and simultaneous developments. Despite their linguistic and national differences and the geographical distance that separate them from one another, they engage with the same concerns and questions, are inspired by the same sources, and attempt to come to terms with the same past historical events.

The network of relationships created between these designers does not overlap with existing political borderlines, but rather represents a new cultural map that will undoubtedly continue to connect the different parts of this region in the coming generations."

As you all know designers need to get inspired from color combination, shapes and structure.
When I'm getting into an exhibition I'm taking pictures of all the things that I found out as a interesting design so I can get inspired when I need to design something.

Design your world.

Friday, April 26, 2013



I found out as a graphic designer that photography can make you really inspired.
When I need to design websites or applications I'm not once found myself uninspired from all kind of different reasons.
To get myself inspired I'm going out and start to take photos that help me get inspiration for colors, structure, textures and even sounds that can take my website to all another level.

Sometimes I love to take the color out of my photos and make them in black and white,
that way you can look at the angles of the picture and the textures much closer.

Photography is really one of the best ways to be inspire from the nature and the places that surround you.

One of my favorite places to take photos is a place called Aum Jony. This place is in kibutz Degania A, Israel. When I get there the first thing that I do is to breathe the air in that place, because of the mountains that surrounds the place when the sun is going down there is a strong wind that coming down to the valley.

After a walk around the area of Aum Jony you can see a beautiful sight that looks like that...

I hope I inspired you to go out and take pictures yourself or just to take a walk :)

Design your life.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mini Art, "Tiny worlds, great magic!"


I want to tell you today about an exhibition called "Mini Art" that take place in Jafa, Israel until the 7/27/13.
This miniatures exhibition is a fascinating and exciting encounter with the miniature worlds of art and design, science and technology, archeology and collections, theater and animation.

The most famous in this kind of art is a sculpture called Willard Wigan.
Willard works shows sculptures inside the hole of a needle, see an example of his work:

To read more about his work:

The mini art is a way to make the viewer get interested in art.

In the exhibition you can see sculptures inside a ring.

Models of known women like Dali wife Gala and Frida Kahlo.

Little rooms that represent different places from different cultures. 

And books that take the story out of them.

The exhibition bring you back into your childhood and makes you look at the models as a little child that wants to found out what's inside this mysterious world of mini art.

If you have the time go to this exhibition it is really amazing and unusual.
I hope you will enjoy as I enjoyed it.

Design your world.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Maus by Art Spiegelman

I just finished reading this book called Maus. If you are into comics books and history this is the book for you, but even if you don't like comics this is an amazing book. The book is telling the story of Vladek spiegelman a  holocaust survivor. Vladek spiegelman is Art father (the writer and comics artist of this book). The whole book is written by Art as his father telling him the story of  his survival .
There are parts in the story where Art giving us a blink to his relaionship with his father.
It is very intresting to see how an holocaust survivor stays with habbits that he adopted in the days of the war.
As you read the book you srart to forget that this is a comics book, the story takes you away. The drawing inside the book and the way he choose the animals in this book as people is in one word amazing.
In this book you can find a world where maus are the jewish people, the cats are the nazis, the polish people are pigs and the french are frogs.
In the end of the book there is a picture of Vladek from the end of the world war 2 and that picture brings you back to the real life because if until now you were in a world of animals now you see that the story is about real people and that the world can change so fast.
This book takes you to a rollercoster of emotions.
I recommend everybody to read this book, no matter where you came from.
You can see a few pages from the book attached.